Tuesday, June 16, 2020

How To Answer How Do You Manage Your Time Prioritise Your Tasks

How To Answer How Do You Manage Your Time Prioritise Your Tasks As you can see from our pretty extensive Interview Advice section, on our Knowledge Base weve written about job interviews a lot over the past couple of years but as this is our Career Knowledge Base, we know theres a lot more than we can write about and discuss. Why? Because job interviews are just so tricky and you can never really be too prepared! With that in mind; today I thought Id shine the spotlight on another common job interview question How do you manage your time and prioritise your tasks?. Now, its worth pointing out that this one doesnt necessarily pop up in every interview, however it does seem to make an appearance in a lot namely for jobs where youll be required to work on your own and use your own initiative. So, how do you tackle this one? Dont Panic Just as with any other interview question, when answering this one you need to keep calm and try not to panic. The interviewer isnt trying to catch you out they just want to know how you cope with a large workload and how you go about priortising tasks so they can see how and if youd fit into their existing business/team. That said; rather than just spilling out the first thing that comes into your head, take a deep breath and Think Logically Yes, with this question its all about thinking logically. Consider how youve tackled completing  a number of tasks in the past. Did you throw all your tasks into a hat and then pick one out at random to tackle? No, chances are you did logically   listed your tasks and then prioritised them in order of due date and importance to the business asking your supervisor if you werent sure about how important a certain task was to the business. OK, so that might sound like a simple answer but this is also a bit of a simple question too! Like I said; the employer isnt trying to trip you up with this one they want to see how logical you are and how you approach certain tasks. Relate It To The Role Youre  Being Interviewed For   When youre explaining how you manage your time, a great way to make your answer super relevant to the employer is to relate it to the role that youre being interviewed for. For example, you could say; If I was asked to complete a number of pitches simultaneously for some of your clients, Id start An answer like this demonstrates your approach to work and it also shows that you have a good understanding of their processes and how they potentially approach tackling larger projects. Use A Real Life Example   When finishing up your answer to this one, it can be a good idea to quote real life examples which demonstrate how your approach to time management and tackling tasks has been successful in the past. Why? Because this helps to show the interviewer that your methodologies have paid off in the past and theyve resulted in a successful outcome for your previous employer.

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